

The BUYER accepts this Preliminary Information Form electronically, before the conclusion of the distance sales contract to be concluded between the parties, the seller contact information, the features of the ordered products, the product price including taxes, payment and delivery information will be provided by the SELLER to a complete, correct and complete confirms that it is provided in the manner.


TITLE: Kilim Mobilya A.S.
CENTER ADRESS : Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 43.Cadde No: 27 Melikgazi/Kayseri
PHONE : 0352 322 02 02
E-MAIL ADRESS : web@kilimmobilya.com.tr
MERSİS NO : 0563046651900062

K.E.P. (Registered E-Mail) ADRESS : kilimmobilya@hs02.kep.tr



ADI SOYADI: [MemberName]
ADRESS: [MemberAdress]
PHONE: [ÜyeTel]
EMAIL ADRESS: [MemberMailAdress]


The BUYER accepts that the information given in this article is correct and belongs to him. In the event that the BUYER cannot be reached with the address information given, the SELLER will not have any responsibility and therefore the BUYER will be responsible for all.



The name, code (type, type, model, color), quantity, and sales price of the product / products subject to the distance sales contract are as follows:





[Product Name]

[Product Unit Price]

[Product Quantity]

[Product Amount]


[Total Amount]


MADDE 4. DELIVERY DETAILS:The PRODUCT is delivered to the delivery address specified by the BUYER or to the person / organization at the address indicated, packaged and intact. This period may be extended in cases such as war, natural disaster, riot, strike, lockout, flood, fire, earthquake that occur without any fault of the SELLER and cannot be prevented by reasonable measures. Even if the BUYER is not at the address at the time of delivery, the SELLER will be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation fully and completely. For this reason, the SELLER is not responsible for the damages and expenses caused by the BUYER's late delivery and / or non-delivery of the product. If the PRODUCT is to be delivered to another person / organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person / organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery. Deliveries to islands, overseas and abroad are not possible.

SHIPPED PRODUCTS DELIVERY: When the products to be sent by shipping are ready for shipment, the BUYER is contacted via SMS and e-mail to determine the appropriate week for delivery. The final delivery date is scheduled for a day to be determined by the SELLER from the 7-day interval selected by the BUYER. The BUYER is reached via SMS or call 1-3 days before the planned delivery date and the BUYER's approval is received. Since delivery plans are prepared automatically by the system, no changes are made except in special cases. The day of delivery is called and informed during the day before arriving for delivery. In cases where the BUYER's special situation or no one is present at the specified address and delivery cannot be carried out, the 2nd delivery is rescheduled for at least 14 days later and the SELLER requests an extra shipping fee for the new shipping organization. For shipping deliveries involving installation, installation is done on the same day as the delivery. The setup is not set for a different day.If a problem is noticed during the delivery, the problem must be specified by the BUYER on the delivery form to be provided by the delivery team. If there is no freight elevator in the building and if the elevator is required to be kept in the building, the responsibility belongs to the BUYER.

CARGO PRODUCTS DELIVERY: When your products to be sent by cargo are shipped, the relevant cargo company and cargo tracking number are shared with you via SMS and e-mail. Packages with a volume of 30 deci and above are delivered at the building door. The BUYER is responsible for checking the PRODUCT as soon as it is received and when it sees a problem arising from the cargo in the PRODUCT, not accepting the PRODUCT and keeping a report to the CARGO company official. Otherwise, the SELLER will not accept any liability. At locations far from the village, town or city center where the cargo cannot be delivered, your cargo is brought to the nearest central branch and the BUYER is informed to receive it from here. The BUYER will need to receive the cargo within the specified period.

INSTALLATION PURCHASE OPTIONAL PRODUCTS SERVICE DELIVERY: If additional installation service is purchased for products whose installation belongs to the customer, installation service is planned within seven (7) days at the latest after the product is delivered. The BUYER is reached by SMS or call 1-3 days before the planned service date and the BUYER's approval is received. Since the service plans are prepared automatically by the system, no changes are made except in special cases. On the day of installation, a call is made during the day before coming for installation. It is the responsibility of the BUYER to open and check the product for which additional installation service is received before the installation service arrives. If there is a defect in the product before the installation service, it is important that it is complete. In case of returning products installed with additional installation service, it is the responsibility of the BUYER to re-demount the product.



5.1. The BUYER may use the right of withdrawal granted to him in accordance with the relevant legislation within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the product / products that he has ordered and approved with this Preliminary Information, or to the person at the address he has notified. In order for the BUYER to exercise its right of withdrawal, the SELLER must notify the SELLER verbally or through customer service within this period, withdrawal specified in the Law on the Protection of the Consumer of the products / products No.6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette dated 27.11.2014 It must not be among the products whose rights cannot be used or that the product should not be damaged in a way that would prevent the resale of the product except for the usual use and it should not be used in this way.

5.2. In the determination of the right of withdrawal, the day the BUYER or the third party designated by the BUYER receives the last good for goods that are subject to a single order and delivered separately For goods consisting of more than one piece, the day the BUYER or the third party determined by the BUYER receives the last piece is taken as basis.

5.3. The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised with regard to the product / products that have been modified, changed or supplemented in line with the demands of the BUYER prior to the order, which gain personal characteristics.The BUYER will not be able to use the right of withdrawal in the following contracts and similar contracts including but not limited to the matters regulated in the "Regulation on Distance Contracts":

- Contracts for goods or services whose prices vary depending on fluctuations in financial markets and are not under the control of the SELLER or the provider,

- Contracts for goods prepared in line with the BUYER's wishes or personal needs,

- Of the goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; Contracts for the delivery of those whose return is not suitable for health and hygiene,

- Contracts for goods that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated by nature, - Contracts regarding the services started with the approval of the consumer before the right of withdrawal expires.

5.4. In the event that the BUYER uses the right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days following the delivery of the products to the SELLER in writing or verbally through customer service, the SELLER will deliver the product / products as they were originally sold, that is, disassembled together with the original invoice. is obliged to buy. The BUYER has the right of withdrawal before the delivery of the product / products. The BUYER is responsible for the changes and deteriorations that occur if the product / products are not used in accordance with their operation, technical specifications and usage instructions during the withdrawal period, and the BUYER is liable to compensate the value decrease in the price of the product / products. The SELLER will receive the product / products to be returned by the BUYER due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal, through the shipping company with which the SELLER has an agreement, and at a time (on the date) to be determined in advance with the SELLER.The SELLER must be contacted in order to learn the Cargo Company with which the SELLER has an agreement as of the date of approval of this Agreement. In the event that the BUYER sends the product / products to be returned via the shipping company that the SELLER has not contracted with, the shipping cost will be paid by the BUYER. Company returns require a return invoice The BUYER can send an e-mail to the phone number 03523220202 or to the e-mail address of web@kilimmobilya.com.tr for information about the right of withdrawal and contracted cargo companies.

5.5. In the event that the right of withdrawal is exercised, the price and shipping costs of the product / products are returned to the BUYER in accordance with the payment instrument used by the BUYER within 14 (fourteen) days from the date the right of withdrawal of the product / products reaches the SELLER.

5.6. The BUYER is obliged to return the goods to the address specified by the SELLER within 10 days from the date of the notification that he has exercised his right of withdrawal.


Applications regarding consumer complaints and objections, T.C. Within the monetary limits determined by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, consumer problems in the place where the consumer purchases the goods or services or where they have their residence can be brought to the arbitral tribunal or to the consumer court.


7.1. The information included in this Preliminary Information Form is given for commercial purposes in accordance with the distance communication tools used and in a manner to protect minors and adults who lack discrimination or limited discrimination within the framework of good faith principles.

7.2. The seller keeps some personal information (such as name-surname, telephone, TR Identity Number, address or e-mail addresses, etc.) of the Buyer in the distance sales contract and the preliminary information form as a data controller.

Apart from the purpose and scope specified in this contract, the seller provides information such as the name-surname, telephone number, TR Identity Number, address, e-mail address, date of birth; can use it to contact the Buyer when necessary or store or process this information. Personal Data can also be transferred to, processed and used by the companies with whom the Seller cooperates in order to conduct researches to improve the processes of the Seller, to create a database, to conduct market researches and communication / marketing activities. The Buyer declares and accepts that they expressly consent to the real and / or legal persons with whom the Seller cooperates with the stated purposes, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, for the transmission, processing and storage of personal data of the members.

Receiver; Whenever he / she wishes, by contacting the Data Responsible Seller under the Law, to learn whether his / her personal data is being processed, to request information about the processed personal data, to learn the purpose of processing the personal data and whether these data are used for the purpose, to know the third parties to whom their personal data are transferred, To request correction of errors and request from the relevant third party for this correction if the transfer has been made, to request deletion, destruction or anonymization of these data in case the reasons requiring the processing of personal data disappear, and if the transfer has been made, this request is forwarded to the transferred third party, As a result of the processed data It has the right to object to a negative result related to the person, and to claim the damage within the framework of the law in case of loss due to data processing contrary to the Law.


Name Surname: [Member Name]
Email: [Member Mail Adress]
Date : [Order Date]
